A Social Trust
As a social responsibility, the customer, wanted to build a solution that connected the providers with the helpless migrants who were stuck owing to COVID-19 crisis. The requirement was rapid designing of the mobile app. We started with building user personas for the people who need help (Seekers) with the people who are willing to help (Providers), and administrator who monitors & changes the status of both seeker and provider. A straight-forward UI/UX strategy was designed keeping in mind the non techie user base. Iconography was used for ease of perception.
The app was designed such that it could support regional languages. Interactions and features used were limited to basic smartphones with high responsiveness across devices. The design was delivered in 15 days. In these difficult pandemic situations, the app helps connect service providers of food, rations, medicines, shelter with migrant workers who are in need.
The app was designed such that it could support regional languages. Interactions and features used were limited to basic smartphones with high responsiveness across devices. The design was delivered in 15 days. In these difficult pandemic situations, the app helps connect service providers of food, rations, medicines, shelter with migrant workers who are in need.